Secondary at Victory

Secondary at Victory2024-05-16T12:13:04+10:00
Victory College prepares students to lead a purposeful life beyond school.

Our Secondary College aims to develop a student’s personal responsibility and spiritual growth, to advance their learning and to help them set life goals.

In Secondary, each student belongs to a Pastoral Care class with a teacher assigned to that class to oversee student wellbeing and to help them create a nurturing and stable environment for their academic journey.

Our curriculum is designed to see students reach their full potential and focuses as much as possible on giving students practical and real learning opportunities.

Years 7-10

All students in the Middle College study a range of core subjects. These subjects are based on the Australian Curriculum.

Core Subjects for Year 7 & 8:
  • Numeracy
  • General Mathematics
  • Mathematics Extension
  • English
  • Science
  • Humanities
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Christian Studies
Year 7 & 8 Electives
  • Agriculture
  • Visual Arts
  • Drama
  • Japanese
  • Digital Technologies
  • Equine Studies
  • Music
  • Food Technology
  • Design & Technologies
Core subjects for Year 9:
  • English
  • Maths Extension
  • General Mathematics
  • Numeracy
  • Science
  • Humanities
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Christian Studies
Year 9 Electives:
  • Business Studies
  • STEM
  • Digital Technologies
  • Fitness
  • Food Technology
  • Fashion and Design
  • Drama
  • Visual Arts
  • Equine Studies
  • Media Arts
  • Design & Technologies
  • Agriculture
  • Music
  • Japanese
  • Science/Maths Elective
Core Subjects for Year 10:
  • English
  • Essential English
  • Mathematical Methods
  • General Mathematics
  • Essential Mathematics
  • Science Extension
  • Essential Science
  • General Science
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Christian Studies
Year 10 Electives:
  • Japanese
  • Visual Arts
  • Agriculture
  • Equine Studies
  • STEM
  • Music
  • Food Technology
  • Design and Technologies
  • Drama
  • Certificate I Hospitality
  • Business Studies
  • Media Arts
  • Digital Technologies
  • Fitness
  • Science/Maths elective
  • Psychology
  • Fashion and Design
  • Certificate II Sports Coaching
  • Workplace Skills
  • History

Other Options

In Year 10 students can undertake work experience, with a view to determining a future career path.

Students have the opportunity to begin further training through school-based apprenticeships or traineeships and/or VET courses run either on campus Certificate I in Hospitality or Automotive or run through other training organisations (eg TAFE or Regional Training Services).

Years 11-12

Victory College caters both for students with a desire to continue their studies at a tertiary level, and for students who are interested in vocational education. Students can choose from a variety of pathways and subjects. Throughout these years, students are helped to shape and evaluate their goals for the future.

All Year 11 and 12 students are required to select at least one Mathematics and one English subject as part of their core course of study. Christian Studies is a school-based subject and is compulsory for ALL students.

General Subjects:
  • English
  • Literature
  • General Mathematics
  • Mathematical Methods
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Modern History
  • Business
  • Design
  • Drama
  • Visual Arts
  • Physical Education
  • Film, Television & New Media
  • Japanese
  • Psychology
Applied Subjects:
  • Essential English
  • Essential Mathematics
  • Visual Arts in Practice
  • Sports & Recreation
  • Agricultural Practices
  • Industrial Technology Skills
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Building & Construction Skills
  • Music in Practice
  • Fashion
  • Tourism

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses

Students at Victory are able to undertake VET courses in partnership with outside RTOs such as TAFE. Victory College currently offers Certificate I and II in Hospitality, Certificate II in Automotive, Certificate II in Sports Coaching, Certificate II in Rural Operations Horse Husbandry Assistant, Certificate III in Fitness, and Certificate III in Business.

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs)

SATs allow students to work for an employer and train towards a recognised qualification under contract of training while completing their school studies. Students whose SAT is not completed by the time they finish Year 12 may convert to a full-time or part-time apprenticeship or traineeship.

Other Options

Students at Victory College have the possibility to acquire an even wider range of skills and knowledge through alternative options: some students might be interested in enrolling at entry-level courses at our partnering universities; other students might want to enrol in ‘exotic’ subjects via distance education. Whatever our students’ special interests are, if it is in the best interest of the student, we are very happy to assist in making it happen.

Students also participate in extra-curricular experiences such as sport, chapel, camps, academic competitions, music programs as well as applying to be part of the Student Representative Council or College leadership programs.

Please find below the assessment policies and calendars for all Secondary classes. Please note that the calendars are subject to change throughout the term.

Assessment Calendars
Assessment Policies & AARA
QTAC Guides
Book Lists

Our 2024 Booklists for Secondary College can be downloaded below. Please ensure you read your booklist for your child/Year level. The first page of each PDF outlines important information when it comes to ordering.

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